It seems like only moments ago that we were casting our eyes back to look at the year that was 2024. Now, the future is here. We, the Haslop and Mason team, want to thank our customers and suppliers for your continued trust and support. We value the strong partnerships we’ve built with each of you, and we look forward to strengthening these bonds further in the year ahead.
As yet another year draws to a close, it is natural to reflect on what has been and to cast an eye on the future. We don’t do this just to reminisce and bask in our glory – or to lick our wounds if it has been a difficult year. Rather, by examining the past, we can identify patterns, appreciate victories and learn from our setbacks.
At the heart of everything we do at Haslop and Mason lies our intention to be the best in the business. One of the ways we achieve this is by keeping abreast of our customers’ needs so that we can ensure that those needs are met.
“Production lines need to run efficiently and effectively one hundred per cent of the time,” says Kevin Dersley, managing member of Haslop & Mason. “A stopped line means a stopped stream of revenue. Production line stoppages cause tremendous stress on our customers, which is passed on to us.
It was Hannibal Smith of A-Team fame who coined the phrase, "I love it when a plan comes together!"
This time it was Haslop & Mason, together with long-standing partner Brady, who rose to the call to assist an automotive manufacturing plant with an urgent safety-related plan of action. The client was at risk of failing its safety audit, which might have had disastrous consequences, both financial and physical.
If you are familiar with Haslop & Mason, you’ll know that we take corporate social responsibility very seriously. Upskilling and investing in our community is good for the community — it’s good for us, too. It helps us spot talent, nurture it, and reward it.
With a customer-centric history spanning over 65 years in the electrical components industry, it is no surprise that Haslop & Mason’s focus for 2024 is investing in skilled personnel so that they can better serve their customers.
For Haslop & Mason, being the best in business comes from a combination of keeping abreast with changes in technology and components and working with our suppliers to provide outstanding customer support and to continue building our relationship with them.
With the core value of keeping customers at the forefront of business practice, Haslop & Mason trains its staff to speak the language customers need.
Since 1958, Haslop & Mason has had a two-fold purpose; to supply quality electrical components to industry, and to ensure that the products we sell are understood and operated correctly.
It is no secret that a positive and healthy workforce makes for a positive and healthy working environment – which, in turn, promotes employee engagement and productivity. And with World Day for Safety and Health at Work observed on Friday 28 April, what better time to take a good, hard look at some basic safety practices and attitudes?
Managing member, Kevin Dersley, reflects on the year that was 2022 and shares his vision for the company in 2023
While recognition and awards are not what drive the team at Haslop & Mason, it is always good to receive acknowledgement for excellence in one’s core business. This year, 2022, has seen us scoop a number of awards of which we’re justifiably proud.
“It is in your hands to make a better world for all who live in it.”
Nelson Mandela
Such simple advice – just do something, no matter how small, to make the world, your city, your immediate neighbourhood, a little better than you found it. It isn’t hard to do – and the rewards are just incredible.
NOT only has the team at Haslop & Mason been known as a premium supplier of electrical components to the automotive and manufacturing sectors since 1958, but we are recognised as having customer care as a core value.
We pride ourselves on meeting their needs, particularly in terms of supplying hands-on training opportunities.
Reaching out a helping hand to the community has always been part of the Haslop & Mason way, so when sales account manager Eon van Vuuren and managing member Kevin Dersley heard about the plight of Westering Primary School, they knew they could come up with a solution.
We at Haslop & Mason set great store by keeping our staff and our customers up to date and upskilled through training in the use and application of our products. Much of this training has been done in partnership with global industrial automation and information technology brand Rockwell Automation – a long-standing supplier.
With 2021 drawing to a close, it is natural to want to evaluate the year that has been, to learn from it, and to use that experience as one begins to plan for the year to come.
Despite the tough economic climate in 2020, US-based Rockwell Automation – a top-tier provider of industrial automation and information technology globally – gave kudos to Haslop & Mason for its strong sales.
Nelson Mandela Bay’s leading children’s hospice, Northwood, is in dire need of funding following a drop in corporate social responsibility support from businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Any manufacturing company operating in the Eastern Cape worth its salt will tell you how important machine safety is for its operators.
There is something satisfying about seeing one of your own achieving success. So, when Dewald le Roux was appointed Business Manager of Haslop & Mason this year, there was much cause for celebration among the ranks.
Whether you call it paying it forward, corporate social investment, or community-centred commerce, for companies like Haslop & Mason, business is more than rands and cents – it’s about uplifting partners along the way.
Many companies are keen to write 2020 off as a bad memory. Here at Haslop & Mason, we've used it to sharpen our focus on customer care in light of a new way...
In the world of premium electrical components, H&M has, for over 60 years, been about teamwork -working together towards a common goal - to meet the needs...
Haslop & Mason's relationship with Woodlands Dairy is a long-standing one and, together with Brady Corporation product specialists, they have been working continuously and...
Taking the extensive service they already offer to a new level, Haslop & Mason is placing the spotlight on team members who excel in their commitment to customers...
Drawing on resources like quality staff and past experiences can help businesses overcome the Covid crisis, premium electrical supplier Haslop & Mason believes...
A strong belief that it should also endeavour to nurture and develop skills beyond its immediate environment led to Haslop & Mason investing a substantial amount into helping an employee's spouse grow her own business...
Believing strongly in the principle of good neighbourliness, Haslop&Mason has made it its mission to support the Missionvale Care Centre (MCC) in as many ways as possible - and has laid down the gauntlet for other businesses to follow suit....
Bringing even more diversity to the range offered to Haslop & Mason, a partnership was recently forged with Fluke, which boosts customer service through its predictive maintenance range. "We offer a range of electrical test equipment which varies from multi-meters, power analysers, thermal imagers...
Training is an important aspect of any new product offering and that is why Stratus and Rockwell Automation developed the Solution in a Box concept. Solution in a Box offers a bundle of hardware and software for ease of development and installation, and helps make customers Industry 4.0 ready...
Haslop & Mason has forged a strong new partnership with US-based company Stratus Technologies. Stratus Availability Solutions Architect Albertus Weber said Haslop & Mason was the company's preferred supplier in Port Elizabeth and, by extension, the entire Eastern Cape...
A massive effort on the part of the Haslop & Mason team resulted in the Eastern Cape company netting the prestigious Rockwell Distributor of the Year for Southern Africa award at the annual Rockwell Automation Partner Conference held in Gauteng in December 2019...
As premium electrical supplier in the Eastern Cape, Haslop & Mason attended the 2019 Rockwell Automation Fair in Chicago - the leading trade show of its kind globally...
Despite leaving behind a busy year-end work schedule while on a fact-finding mission to the US, the benefit to Haslop & Mason's Eastern Cape customer base would be worth it....
Industrial network protection and cybersecurity were the hot topics on the agenda at a recent upskilling session held by industry trendsetters Haslop & Mason in Port Elizabeth...
Emergencies can happen any time of day or night. Bringing production to a halt and causing unnecessary downtime can cost your business dearly. Find a supply partner who is always on call and at your side in good and bad times. The right partner will understand and meet your product, service, stock holding and delivery needs. ...
Since doing the electrical refit of the Northwood Children's Hospice and Edu-Centre, these little ones have crept into the hearts of Haslop & Mason staff. Which is why the company has become a long-term supporter of the holistic care this non-profit organisation provides...
Haslop & Mason recently assisted a food and beverage giant to overhaul its Port Elizabeth manufacturing facility, using best in brand Brady products to create a safer working environment for employees...
The Eastern Cape's largest electrical supplier believes good times lie ahead - and they are ready to Rock(well)! Trading through 60 years of highs and lows, Port Elizabeth-based electrical supplier Haslop & Mason is a company well positioned...